The Orthodox Church is the second largest Christian community, numbering approximately 225 million members. We, Orthodox Christians consider it to be One, Holy, Catholic / Ecumenical / and Apostolic Church founded by Jesus Christ and his apostles.
Now, the Orthodox Church is composed administratively of several autocephalous units, which differ by geographical and national characteristics, but they are united in theological terms. They all recognize the first seven Ecumenical councils and share full communion and specific theological doctrines and traditions.
Historically, the Orthodox Church comes from four of the first five patriarchates of the original single Christian Church – Alexandria, Jerusalem, Antioch, Constantinople and Rome patriarchates. The separation of Church (Great Schism) between the Pope of Rome and the Patriarch of Constantinople happened in 1054. This division of views and communion between our Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic Church still exists today.
For Bulgarian Orthodoxy
Bulgarian Orthodox Church – Bulgarian Patriarchate, to which we belong, is a inseparable member of the One Holy, Congregational, Catholic and Apostolic Church, which has as its eternal and timeless Head its Divine Founder Himself, our Lord Jesus Christ and directed by the St. Spirit living in it.
Bulgarian Orthodox Church – Bulgarian Patriarchate is an autocephalous local Orthodox Church and it is in doctrinal and canonical unity, as well as in prayer and Eucharistic communion with the local Orthodox churches.
Autocephalous Bulgarian Orthodox Church – Bulgarian Patriarchate is the successor of Pliska Archbishop, Preslav Patriarchate, Ohrid Archbishopric Tarnovo Patriarchate and the Bulgarian Exarchate. It is one and indivisible.
The basis of structure and administration of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church – Bulgarian Patriarchate lie on: the holy Writ, the Sacred Tradition, the Rules of the Holy Apostles, the sacred Canons of the Ecumenical and Local Councils, the teachings of the Holy Fathers and the Statutes of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church, passed by the VI-th Church congregation held on 11.12.2008, in the Rila monastery.
Currently, Bulgarian Orthodox Church is divided administratively into fifteen parishes, of which thirteen are on the territory of Bulgaria, and two are overseas.
For The Diocese
We, “St. Dimitar ” temple, Bulgarian Eastern Orthodox Church, are a parish under the omophorion of His Eminence Iosif, Bishop of the United States, Canada and Australia to the same diocese.
Our diocese is situated on two continents and unites as many ethnic immigrant centers and Orthodox Christians of non-Bulgarian origin.
For The Parish
The idea to build our temple was conceived in June 2003 when a group of followers led by the genius of the Bulgarian business Dr. Ignat Kaneff, in general meeting, organized with the blessing of His Eminence Iosif Bishop, decided to register a church temple with a corporate act according to Canadian laws and canons of the Orthodox church, dedicated to one of the most ancient saints of the church – St. Dimitar (St. Demetreus).
Kaneff family donated a piece of land to the newly registered church “St. Dimitar” , located at: 1555 Steeles Ave. W., Brampton, ON, Canada, where our church is located to this day.
Numerous Bulgarian idealists eager to preserve their native faith took part in the mission for building a temple.
Amongst all the donors, the Kaneff family is the main grantor, but many people contributed, up to their abilities, such as: Dr. Konstantin and Kina Valchevi, Lalyo Metev,. Konstantin Radeff, Tsvetelin Tzokov, Hristo Todorov, Alexander Kovachev, Mihail Bykov and many others.
Many companies took part in the temple construction and its decoration, providing the comfort we enjoy now.
Thanks to all these bright people., on June 2, 2004 the construction of a church so coveted began.
It is worth to mention the date Oct. 26, 2004, which marks the first holiday of the church.
It was finally completed in 2005. The first worship service was conducted on March 19, 2005.
On March 27, 2006, the temple was solemnly consecrated by two Bulgarian bishops – Iosif, Diocesan Archbishop, and His Eminence Neophyte, Bishop of Ruse, who offered the first gospel for liturgical use as a gift.
Youth and women’s committees are quickly organized, the Board of trustees, consisting of ten members, was replenished with young and progressive people who are able, as we shall see later, to build a positive image of the youngest, full of intelligence, Bulgarian Orthodox Church in Canada.
The temple gives us an example, creating in 2010 the first Bulgarian folk ensemble “Dimitrovche” with choreographer Dimitar Minkov, organized under the church’s jurisdiction.
Strong church faith makes us one of the first organizers and executors of festivals designed not only to preserve but also to promote Bulgarian culture and spirituality.
Since its founding, the church has been a host and organizer of the biggest Bulgarian school in Canada, numbering more than 80 children who study weekly the Bulgarian language and literature, history and geography of Bulgaria, folk dances, music, theatre, craftsmanship, art and art religion in a number of public funded programs.. Last but not least, every week children receive hot meals, as well as gifts for all major holidays and celebrations. They have opportunities to organize and perform different kinds of shows, exhibitions or to take pilgrimages to various interesting places or spiritual sanctuaries.
The decoration is unique, painted only by Bulgarian icon-painters.
Our church is a bit of Bulgarian paradise where, along with the stunning architecture of the basilica in New-Byzantine style, we can offer a huge parking area, equipped classrooms, a large hall with a big stage, a music room, a premium sound system, an up-to-art kitchen, a wardrobe and many storerooms.
For all ethnic Bulgarians we make a huge discount on renting the hall and adjacent rooms.
Board of Trustees and God-loving Christians from “St. Dimitar” church temple wish your visit to this website to bring in your hearts ancient Christian mysticism, peace and love, and to give a good answer to all your questions about the truth of the Orthodox faith. We sincerely hope to awaken your true interest and desire to visit and see the beauty of our temple and take part in all our spiritual and moral, and social events.